interpose|interposed|interposes|interposing in English


place between, insert; place oneself between, mediate; inject a remark in the middle of a conversation, interject

Use "interpose|interposed|interposes|interposing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "interpose|interposed|interposes|interposing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "interpose|interposed|interposes|interposing", or refer to the context using the word "interpose|interposed|interposes|interposing" in the English Dictionary.

1. Don't interpose in the matter.

2. What calls psychological crisis interpose measure.

3. Will they interpose their veto again?

4. Dozen is psychological interpose line useful?

5. The layering interposes ball clays, lignitic ball clays and sand seams.

6. Our Ministers dare not interpose with dignity or effect.

7. He interposes himself between the two persons who are quarrelling.

8. She tried to interpose between her husband and son.

9. The old man likes to interpose in the disputes.

10. Police had to interpose themselves between the two rival groups.

11. The work interposes a glass plate between two large circular mirrors.

12. Edward jerked open the door, interposing himself so that they should not stare.

13. 'But how do you know that?' he interposed.

14. Those who in quarrels interpose must often wipe a bloody nose.

15. Those who in quarrel interpose must often wipe a bloody nose.

16. From here they can move forward to interpose themselves when the enemy is too close.

17. He interposed between the two women who were quarrelling.

18. He quickly interposed himself between Mel and the doorway.

19. She interposed herself between the general and his wife.

20. The government took positive interpose step to bond management at that time.

21. The reporter interposed a few questions into the minister's speech.

22. Ah, now we're getting at the truth,'he interposed sarcastically.

23. Further discussion is cut short by a bump that interposes a few bodies between us.

24. None of them had the courage to interpose between this incensed king and his wrath.

25. The high speed of two regions economy grows, greatly the interpose with profit from strong government.